Improve your Korean-speaking Fluency, Confidence, and Long-term Retention of Words and Expressions, and finally....

Become Conversational in Korean... Guaranteed.

Even if you feel you've "tried everything" and are just "never going to get it"

If you feel you lack progress because you have no teacher, language-exchange partner, or anyone else to help

If you feel life is too busy and you simply don't have the time

"The truth is I have taken many Korean courses, all of which, except for one, I felt had terrible methodologies. I was excited to take this course because it was going to be led by an English native speaker who I figured would have a different approach. This has been the best course I have ever taken."


seoul university language professor

Struggling to speak the Korean language, despite
putting in hours on various programs, apps, etc?

We understand how being stuck in your language-learning journey can be frustrating. To feel you're putting in the effort, time and energy but are not significantly improving your ability to speak the language.

If you haven't heard it yet, let us be the first to tell you that you're not alone. I personally went through this when I first started way back in 2003, and since starting KDA in 2012 (yes, 13 years ago!), it's been one of the most common stories we've heard from people.

Unfortunately, most programs focus on learning words, structures, etc. They focus on what we call the "input" phase. While the input phase is an essential part of the overall process, most programs stop there, and leave the rest of the process up to the learner.

They lack any emphasis on ensuring you develop the ability to SAY the things you're learning and develop your speaking fluency, confidence, and long-term retention so that you can recall it in conversation.

If this sounds anything like what you've been through, we'd encourage you to try our program. We promise you there's a better way.

There is a difference between
"learning" Korean and learning to SPEAK Korean

The problem with nearly all of the resources out there, while they all do have their place, is that they focus so much on busy activity - what we call the "input" phase - that doesn't do much to improve your SPEAKING ability.

Popular apps keep you motivated by "keeping your streak alive," but is your conversational ability actually improving?

Online videos and workbooks keep you "learning" and doing activities, but are they helping you SAY what you are learning?

Compound this over time, and you end up with so much Korean in your head that you've supposedly "learned", but so little that you can actually get to come out of your mouth!

Then, when it comes time to have a conversation, it's nearly impossible to recall. It feels very clunky, and ultimately, you clam up.

Over time, this can become very frustrating because it feels like you're getting nowhere, and it can feel like everything you've done up until now has been wasted.

Ready for some good news? It hasn't been wasted.

You need to apply a process that unlocks things for you, and that shifts the focus back to the RIGHT activities that will improve your conversational abilities.

Start making noticeable improvement
just like these people...

(We have hundreds of these, and we'd love to add yours to the list)

"Having full conversations"

"KDA has been SO helpful for me. I came to Korea with a very basic understanding of verbs and some vocabulary, and after just two months I have felt comfortable having full conversations in Korean! The material is easy to follow, and I have felt a lot of support from my teacher and classmates to learn more and more each lesson. Great program!"

Heather Cotrupe

English Teacher, South Korea

"A logic and a system"

“I really liked your Korean classes; it was the only time I studied Korean and felt there was a logic to it and a system to the teaching. I felt you could understand English-speakers' problems learning Korean.”

Melanie Steyn

Suncheon University Language Professor

"I don't feel any shyness"

“I LOVE the classes! Its an open atmosphere where we get to practice aloud with other people how to speak the language. I don't feel any shyness when it comes to asking questions or getting something wrong and that's because of the atmosphere you create."


K-pop and K-drama Super Fan!

Levels For All Speaking Abilities

At one class per week, which is our recommended pace and the pace the weekly group sessions
progress at, each level takes three months to complete

Level One

(Classes #1-12)

Level #1 starts right in the beginning and leaves nothing out. Throughout this level you will grow comfortable with the basic Korean sentence as well as learn some very common and useful questions and answers that you can and will use in everyday Korean. In class #11 you will also get introduced to speaking in the past tense in Korean.

Level Two

(Classes #13-24)

In this level we go deeper into conversational Korean. The first half of the course focuses on verb groups and conjuguations, leveraging very common conversational questions and answers to help us practice. From there we will transition into some more very useful structures, tenses, and few more complex structures that I also think you'll find really helpful.

Level Three

(Classes #25a-30b)

Levels #1 and 2 are very structure focused. Level #3 leverages "natural" Korean conversations to learn and discuss various topics including hobbies, vacations, neighbourhoods, etc. The goal of Level #3 is to start "tying it all together" and applying everything we've been learning in an effort to really start to put "conversations" together.

Level Four

(Classes #31a-36b)

Level #4 follows the same format as level #3, discussing various topics, but with a focus on more advanced topics and structures. There is an over-arching goal in level #4 of learning how to tell stories about things that "have happened" in the past, so you will find that a lot of the topics relate to various aspects of a person's past, i.e. childhood, school, injuries, etc.

Two Main Programs to Match Your

Learning Preference

Weekly Group Sessions


(Trial Available)

This program is for people who prefer weekly classes to keep motivated and moving forward. Class times are based on your personal time zone and availability.

  • Access to digital classes to prepare for practice sessions

  • One live speaking-practice session per week with a Korean teacher and small number of peers

  • Progress one class per week

  • Based around your personal schedule and availability

  • Can start at a level appropriate to your speaking ability (level test included as part of registration process)

  • $20 Trial Available

Pay as you go; no automatic payments


Starting from $27/month

(Trial Available)

This program is for people who, due to ever-changing schedules or the busy-ness of life, prefer to progress through the program at their own pace.

  • Access to our entire digital library

  • No speaking-practice sessions included, can be booked extra if you wish

  • Progress at your own pace

  • Access to our team for questions and help

  • Can start at a level appropriate to your speaking ability (level test included as part of registration process)

  • $1 Trial available

Membership with monthly or semi-annual payments

Frequently Asked Questions

NOTE: These FAQs are general to KDA. While they provide information on each of our programs, for more specific

What level should I be to join this program?

We have course material that can benefit anyone from beginner to advanced, and beyond. Part of your onboarding process, which begins once you register, is to help you establish exactly where you should start in the program.

How much does this program cost?

Different programs have different rates. For our main programs, we offer two options: Weekly Group Classes, and our ROKstars Membership which is a "go at your own pace" program. The Weekly Group Classes are $100/month, and the ROKstar Memberships start at $27/month. Worth noting that we do have trials available for each program. Click the pink links to see details of each specific program.

What if I don't like the program, can I get a refund?

For most of our programs, instead of offering refunds, we offer trials so that people can try out the program and make sure it's as helpful as we say it is before they continue on at the regular tuition rate. For our 21-day Speaking Challenge, however, yes, we offer a 6-month guarantee and refund window. This gives you ample time to apply the process, and really see for yourself how whether it will work for you or not.

What if i have other questions?

There is a contact form just below you can use, or you can email directly to [email protected]. Feel free to get in touch and ask any questions you'd like.

Do I need to be in Korea to take these classes?

No, you do not. Our entire program is online and we are proud to say we have students from all around the globe. You can access our lectures from all your devices anytime you want, and all of our speaking-practice sessions with Korean teachers are done via Zoom.

What forms of payment do you accept?

For all of our programs, we accept credit card and paypal. For those that live in Korea, we also accept bank transfers. The details and conditions for bank transfers are provided on each program's registration / checkout page.

Do you have live classes with teachers, or is it only self-learning?

Yes, we have live speaking-practice sessions as part of the Weekly Group Classes. Our model is based off the "Flipped Classroom" concept. You watch the digital lectures to learn the content, and then come to our speaking-practice sessions to practice speaking what you've learned. This model helps us put an emphasis on not only "learning" Korean, but making sure we learn to SPEAK the language.

You have multiple programs available. How do I know which program I should sign up for?

That is correct, we have different programs for different learning styles, preferences, and challenges. For some clarity, here's how we view it:

1) For people who prefer weekly classes at a set time each week to keep motivated and moving forward, we recommend the Weekly Group Sessions.

2) For people who, due to an ever-changing schedule or the busy-ness of life, prefer to go at their own pace, we recommend our ROKstars program, a "go at your own pace" option.

3) And for people who feel they’ve been trying and trying to learn Korean, putting in the time and effort, but have failed to improve their ability to SPEAK the language and would like to learn a better method for language acquisition, we recommend starting with the 21-day Speaking Challenge, and then joining one of the programs above.

Do I need to follow a schedule?

It depends which program you enroll in. Our Weekly Group Classes follow a set schedule, with the class times set around your timezone and personal availability. Our ROKstars program, however, is a "go at your own pace" program for those who prefer that.

Why would I want to learn from someone who is not Korean?

I can fully understand your skepticism, and while it it is a somewhat counter-intuitive, I am going to suggest that it is actually a GOOD thing for you and your desire to learn Korean. I'll try to keep it short, but here are three reasons:

1) I started right where you did, from nothing, overcame the challenges you face, and can provide unique insight into the language that you really can't get from native speakers. People who grow up just knowing their language often struggle to provide good insight into how and why the language works the way it does. Often we are told "That's just the way it is, now memorize it."

2) On top of successfully learning the language myself, I am an experienced language teacher. I taught at a university in Korea where I was voted "best teacher" in the language department every single year I worked there, and along with my wife, successfully built and ran our own language school. We ran that from 2007 until 2014 when we sold it.

3) Lastly, let me ask you a question. This is not to sound condescending in any way, ‘cause I really do get your skepticism...

Who would you say is a better judge of my ability to speak Korean and teach Korean: you, or a Korean person who has seen my videos and heard me speak, knows exactly what this academy is all about, and likes it so much they actually help me teach it (and have been for years now)?

‘Cause the fact is, I have five Korean people that work with me and run these practice sessions.

They’ve seen the videos, they’ve heard me teach and speak Korean, and they agree that this is a good program, which is the reason they decided to join me when I decided to launch these live practice sessions.

So while you might be a bit skeptical right now, put your faith in them!

And at the end of the day, that's another reason we prefer to let people trial the classes before deciding.

Just us, and join them!

"The best by far"

"Actually I was at dinner with my coworkers the other night and found that I could follow more of the conversations than I could before. It was absolutely awesome! My coteacher would ask me what everyone was talking about and the next thing I know, everyone is talking to me in Korean to see if I could understand. So far I've tried several different methods of learning Korean and KDA is the best by far."

Michelle Loper

English Teacher, South Korea

"Actually learning the language"

"I am very pleased with the results from Level 1 of your program, and am looking forward to jumping into Level 2. I feel that now I am actually learning "the language" and not just some words and phrases. I also feel a better quality of life for me here in Korea as I make connections between the material and real world. As much as I wish I could be more fluent now, I know it takes time, and I'm confident that your course will help me get there."

Mark Deibert

47-year-old who thought
he would "never get it"

"Manageable pieces"

"I know that there are many language cafes in Seoul but I discovered that a lot of free classes or language exchanges are often useless because the 'teachers' don't actually know how to teach Korean and they can't answer my questions or they try to teach me too much in one go. I really like that your program breaks things down into manageable pieces and I'd love to do more. As always, thank you for your wonderful service and help."

Liezel Nel

English Teacher, South Korea

Korean-learning Truth #1:

There is a difference
between “learning” Korean, and learning to SPEAK Korean.


If you’ve been learning Korean for any amount of time and are disappointed or frustrated with your lack of ability to speak the language, then you are in the right place. Or if you’re a beginner and have yet to hit the common pitfalls of so many before you, even though you may not quite know it yet, you too are in the right place.

Two connected but
different skills

The skill required to memorize vocabulary and understand Korean syntax is entirely different from the skill required to actually say the things we’re learning; learning words and structures (grammar) is different than developing the mechanics to actually speak Korean sentences and be able to hold a conversation.


Of course the latter is not possible without the former (we can’t have anything to say if we don’t first learn some of the language), but unfortunately for most people, myself included when I first started out, when we decide to learn a language, eagerly we start looking around for books, classes, online programs, apps, language partners, etc, etc, and ultimately choose some resource to start with. From there, we are at the mercy of their pedagogy (their process for learning).


And while most resources certainly do have their benefit and can help you “learn” Korean at least somewhat, it has been our experience (and the experience of many of our students’) that those resources ignore this truth, and only focus on the “learning” part, largely ignoring the second and most essential part of the process… to develop your ability - the mechanics, fluency, and confidence - to actually speak what you’re learning, and to hold a conversation.


(This is Lenka, from the KDA team^^)

I used this process personally when I first moved to Korean in 2003. Lenka (a woman from the Czech Republic who now lives her life almost entirely in Korean, who works with KDA and whom you’ll meet later), used the same approach, and we now hear great results from people every day who were tired of putting in the time and effort to learn but were continually frustrated with their inability to actually SPEAK the language, who have now made this simple tweak in their learning process, and are seeing great results.


Our class recordings have been online since 2008, and for years our program had become well known for making simple sense of a seemingly "difficult" language, and providing people a comfortable atmosphere to practice and improve their Korean.

But there was always another piece missing.

This is the story of the girl who actually inspired me to finally start helping people with this process (to guarantee we develop our ability to SPEAK Korean), and add this process into our program.

You can watch the video below to hear in her own words how our philosophy and approach helped her, but just before COVID hit, Lindsey and I had a call to dive deeper into the struggles she was having.

She had been learning Korean for about 4 years at the time. She had “learned” so much that anytime she joined a new class, in her placement test, she’d test really well (grammar-wise) and always get placed into a pretty high level.

The problem was, even though She KNEW the material (i.e. knew a bunch of vocabulary, and understood quite a lot of grammar), in all the classes and programs she had joined, they had never really focused on learning to SPEAK the material.

And so as time went on, the amount she “knew” continued to grow, but her speaking ability never grew along with it.

Eventually she got to a point where she was embarrassed by how much she knew but how little she could speak, and so she’d clam up when it came to using the language out in public, and hit a point where she was frustrated, deflated, and couldn’t even think about joining another class to “learn” more Korean.

Long story short, we helped her tweak her process, and once she realized the issue she was facing and shifted her focus to more of the RIGHT activities, the lid was removed and her speaking took off.

Watch this video here to here, in Lindsay's own words, how this simple "tweak" and process helped her...(only three weeks after she started in our program)…

Learn Korean Online
here's what I propose

If this sounds like something you’ve struggled with (or if you're a beginner and it's something you'd like to avoid), then here is what I propose…

Try us out (it's only $1), and I’ll share with you, in detail, the philosophy and approach that we use to not only “learn” the Korean language, but to guarantee you improve your speaking fluency and confidence, improve your long-term ability to recall everything you are learning, and develop the ability to actually hold conversations.

  • The simple tweak you can make to your learning process that will guarantee you improve your ability to speak the Korean language

  • How you can work this into and around your daily life so that it only takes 10-20 minutes per day

  • How you can apply this to any resource you use to learn Korean in the future (of course, we’d love for you to stick with us, but you certainly don’t have to)

  • And ultimately, how you can shave months (maybe years) of wasted time and money off of your Korean-learning journey by avoiding the mistakes and pitfalls of so many before you


Then click this big blue button below, fill in your details on the following page, and you'll receive instant access to exact same process that brought both Lenka and I from zero to "conversational" and beyond in the Korean language...

here's just some of what you get immediate access to...

Simple Explanations of How the Language Works

Access to our entire library of videos and supplemental material that makes simple sense of a seemingly “difficult” language. Watch, listen, or work through from anywhere and at your own pace.

Develop the Ability to SAY, with Fluency and Confidence, Everything You'rE Learning

Get access to our “Path to Guaranteed Progress”, as well as
all of our 21-day Speaking Challenges, to guarantee you not only learn Korean, but develop your speaking fluency, confidence,
ability to recall, and overall conversational abilities!

Join a Motived Community of Korean-learning Peers

Language acquisition is a journey not a sprint, and it helps to progress alongside fellow peers who are also on the journey, who can continually champion us to greater and greater heights!


Greg Lewis

“I really liked it. I told you in the very beginning that I’m very busy. The methodical process that you can wedge it in here and there, it’s perfect for someone who doesn’t have time.

I’m not trying to blow sunshine, but I think this approach is perfect, and for me, one of the best approaches to take."

Murray Johnson

"I like the study approach. I find it productive, and to be engaging each day. I just did a little bit every day, and it really set in. It became much easier as the week went on, and just felt more engrained. I also notice that I'm my time more intelligently. "Smarter not harder", as they say, so that's a win.

Susan Terry

"This is a really effective way to study, and it makes learning easier. Practicing speaking on a more consistent basis is making me feel more comfortable speaking. "If it's not PERFECT, you SUCK" has been my unofficial motto for way too long, and this entire process is helping me dismantle that nonsense. For that I am extremely grateful.

Welcome Offer


Enroll now and gain immediate access to the entire program here at KDA, including our "Path to Guaranteed Progress", all future 21-day Speaking Challenges, our entire digital library of courses and supplementary materials, access to our community of fellow Korean-learning peers, significant discounts off our group speaking sessions, and more!

$47 USD/Month

(After a 14-day Trial)


What level should I be to join this program?

We have course material that can benefit anyone from beginner to high-intermediate and beyond.

How much does this program cost?

This program offers a 14-day trial for dollar. After that, it is $47 USD/month, which we feel is quite minimal considering everything you're getting, including incredible 50% discounts off of our group sessions.

What if I don't like the program, can I get my money back?

As mentioned above, we offer a 14-day trial for only a dollar. This allows you to get in, learn our process, check out our class videos, and see for yourself whether you'll like the program, before you're charged our regular amount. And honestly, even if you don't stick around with us, just learning our process for improving your speaking will be worth it, 'cause you can apply it to literally any resource you'll ever use in the future.

What if i have other questions?

There is a contact form just below you can use, or you can email directly to [email protected]. Feel free to get in touch and ask any questions you'd like.