These classes are accessible from any location, set around your schedule, and help you...

Take Your Korean to the Next Level with Our Weekly Group Classes, Designed to Improve Your Speaking Fluency and Confidence in a Fun Yet Effective atmosphere.

PLEASE NOTE: Registration Closes Sunday, March 30th, 2025

Please Note: These classes are very small (max 4 students per class), spots are limited, and it’s first come first serve.

If you’re serious about taking some serious steps forward in your Korean, then you may want to check out this this page and if you like what you hear, get signed up as soon as you can.

Once the classes are full and seats are gone, they’re gone.

So check out the info below, and if you have any more questions, please don't hesitate to email [email protected] and ask anything you’d like. If you’re wondering it, there’s a good chance someone else is too.

Otherwise, when you’re ready to save your seat, click here to complete the registration process.

Q: You say these classes fit around MY schedule.

How does that work exactly?

The design of this program was very much influenced by this TEDtalks presentation, and consists of two main aspects (with the addition of a "third" I'll talk about more below):

(1) The video lectures that explain how the language works, taught in plain, simple-to-understand English that is easy to make sense of and improve from.


(2) The live speaking-practice sessions with a native Korean speaker where you get structured and effective practice of what you learned in the videos, to help you really improve your ability to SPEAK the language.

The Video Lectures:

There's more details below on who in the world I am and how I came to teach Korean, but the most basic version of it is:

I started teaching live classes in the city I was living in (Suncheon, Jeollanamdo) Korea in early 2006.

Other than a brief period in 2007 (when my wife and I got married and we started an English school together), I kept teaching Korean for the next few years and in 2009, I recorded the classes while teaching them live and put them online for people:

  • Who don’t have access to any decent classes in their area to learn from

  • Who appreciate getting the 'hows' and 'why's of the language explained in way that makes sense and is easier to improve from

  • Who simply prefer to learn the language easier and improve speaking fluency and confidence quicker than they would either on their own or even with most other programs

Because they were recorded live, it’s like you’re sitting in the classroom when you watch them, and they are available for you to watch and learn from any time that works for you.

Important note: the only thing we typically ask is that you make sure to have watched and studied them before coming to the practice session so that we’re all on the same page and can spend all of our time actually speaking and practicing Korean, rather than having to explain things that were already explained in the video lectures.

And of course, during or after watching the videos, if you ever have any questions you’d like cleared up, you can always email us and ask, and we will get back to you asap.

The live speaking-practice portion of the class:

These sessions will be at the same time of the same day each and every week, and that time will be determined by YOUR schedule and availability.

Here's how that works...

As part of the registration process, we will ask for your schedule, your time zone, and your availability. Then we will find and match you up with a very small number of other students who are of similar level, and who are available to meet at the same time as you. We will then assign a teacher to you, and that will be your class time each week (for the practice sessions).

Some of our teachers work in the mornings, and some in the evenings and at night, and we also have teachers in different continents, so it is very rare we can't make something work.

And as referenced above, there is actually a "middle" phase as well:

This phase comes between watching/studying the video lectures and the practice session, and is the key step to enabling you to make immediate and consistent improvement in your ability to speak Korean, and ensures you get the most out of your practice session.

(And unfortunately it also happens to be the step that so many programs and would-be learners leave out, which is largely why they struggle).

Referred to here as "Deliberate Practice" , it is about what we do with the information once we have learned it, to guarantee that we not only "learn" it, but also develop the ability to actually SPEAK it.

To ensure consistent improvement, it's important you make good use of the time you spend on learning, and ONLY focus on actions that will move you closer to your goal of speaking Korean.

It can be done in only minutes per day, and I will show you exactly how to do this in a very effective and efficient manner, that allows you to make noticeable and consistent progress that fits it into the time you have available per day and week.

This step also fits perfectly around you're life, because it consists mostly of steps that you not only can do on your own, but that you actually SHOULD on your own!

I will show you exactly what to do, and how to do it so it takes a minimal amount of time out of your day.

"It doesn't matter if you're coming in with no Korean, or lots of vocab but no idea of sentence structure like me ... this school will make you better."

Matt Lindsay

English Teacher, South Korea

Q: How much is the "trial" month,
and what is included?

In the first month, you are getting approximately EIGHT hours of Korean class time:

You're getting FOUR hour-long video lectures (recorded in a live class so it’s like you’re in the class as well), and FOUR live practice sessions with a native Korean-speaker to practice what you learn in the video lectures.

On top of that, you're also getting...

  • Mp3-file recordings (done by a native-speaker)

    These are recordings of the main target language in each video class that you can use to improve your listening and your pronunciation

  • Download-and-printable handouts (the lesson)

    The exact same download-and-printable handouts we use in all the video lectures so you can follow along perfectly and take notes (again, just like you’re in the class)

  • Review/practice (workbook) pages

    These are review/practice pages that you can download, print off, and fill out for extra practice and better retention of all the concepts, vocab, and structures you learn in the videos

  • The ability to go back and watch the videos as many times as you’d like

    Unlike traditional classes, and thanks again to the "flipped classroom" concept we employ, you have the ability to go back and review any lecture you'd like

  • Your own personal teacher at your fingertips

    Any time you have a question, you are welcome to email us and ask anything you like, and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can. If you're wondering it, there's a good chance someone else is too. All we ask is that you please just reference which class and material you're referring to when you do.^^

  • Listening / Gapfill activities

    Learning to speak the language without improving your ear for it is like learning to swim without using your legs. Sure you could do it, but it wouldn't be anywhere near as effective.

    The listening activities are made of natural Korean conversations and include the target language that you will learn throughout the main program, to help improve your ear for the language AND help you consolidate and retain everything you're learning.

  • Speaking level assessment

    For the program to be effective, it's important to start with material that will engage and challenge you yet not leave you overwhelmed. So part of the registration process will be to figure out exactly which level will be the most appropriate for you and your current speaking level.

These are not just some videos online.
This is a REAL course that...

  • Follows a REAL system developed by an experience language teacher (who also learned Korean from scratch)

  • Has been running in Korea and helping people become conversational in Korean since early 2006 (when the first in-class session took place)

  • Is utilizing technology common to today to reach people who wouldn’t ordinarily have access to a class in their area or who just want some extra practice to help you build confidence, fluency, and understanding in Korean, in an atmosphere that is relaxed and supportive.

You can get the first month at 80% off, a very small
investment of only $20. Here's why...

We know people find this program helpful because we’ve been getting messages just like all the ones you’ll find all over this page from people who are so happy they were able to find this class because:

(A) it finally helped them make sense of a language that many describe as difficult but is actually quite logical in many ways (it just has to be explained right), and;

(B) it helped them to finally develop the speaking fluency and confidence they've been searching for

But at the same time I understand that…

Someone coming here who was not referred by someone else and so might not know anything about these classes can be very skeptical.

Is this really gonna help? Can I trust this guy? Is this a scam?

All the classic questions people have when they come to a site they don’t know that requires them to give money.

Which is fair, ‘cause quite frankly, there are a lot of shit-turds out there who create that kind of skepticism.

But here’s the thing…I don't want to spend ANY time "convincing" anybody.

All I want is people who are happy to be here because they find the classes useful and enjoyable, and the best way to do that is to just let people try them out to see EXACTLY what they’re like and decide for themselves.

So that's why it's only $20.

Now you might be wondering...

"If I really want people to be able to check it out as easily as possible, why not just make it free?"

That is a fair question for sure, but to be fully honest with you…(here comes a friendly rant)...

Organizing classes around EACH person’s individual level/ability and personal schedules and availability, AND finding others of a similar level/ability to join at that exact time as well takes takes a lot of time and effort!

On top of that, we also pay our Korean teachers to run the live speaking-practice sessions.

So as much as we'd like to make it free and open to everyone, we simply can’t afford the time nor the cost to work with people who are not serious about progressing their Korean forward.

So by charging a small amount...

Although it’s not much, it helps us weed out the people who aren’t serious about improving their speaking ability, and it allows our team to focus on people like yourself who really DO want to improve their Korean.

‘Cause it doesn’t matter what your reason is for wanting to learn Korean in the first place, be it...

  • to experience and gain a deeper understanding of the people and culture (that was my main reason when I started^^)

  • to hang out and chat with your Korean friends or family more

  • to understand your favourite Korean dramas or Kpop songs

It doesn't matter what your reasons are, they are 100% valid, and the experiences and opportunities that are going to arise for you by learning to speak the language are going to be awesome.

But the reality is that no matter what your reasons are for doing so...

If you want to actually improve you’ve gotta be committed,
and that commitment should show up in two places...

(1) Your schedule:

It doesn't have to be hours a day, but you’ve gotta be willing to put in consistent time and effort.

(2) Your pocketbook

You’ve gotta be willing to invest money into yourself and your improvement. I don't think we ask for a lot, but even "some" really does do wonders for motivation!

'Cause at the end of the day...

It's gonna feel awesome when you start improving!

Your friends are gonna notice it, you’re gonna notice it, and that feeling of accomplishment:

(A) will always be with you, and;

(B) is in turn going to create so much more motivation to keep going and learn and improve more.

And THAT’S gonna feel even more awesome, because you're going to build the belief that "YES", you can do this!!

Seriously, when you make that kind of choice to commit to something and you start feeling the improvement, it creates a cycle of success. The more you improve the more you want to improve, and so you do.

But you've gotta be using it, and you've gotta be committed.

There are a lot of people out there who say “Oh, I wanna learn Korean!” Or they say they wanna learn how to do this, or that, or whatever it might be.

But it proves to be 100% lip-service because they almost NEVER put in the time, and they certainly NEVER put up the money and invest in themselves.

I wish that person luck but that is not who this course is for.

This course is for YOU. The person who doesn’t want to be giving lip-service to their goals, who actually DOES want to learn to speak Korean and experience that feeling of accomplishment, and who IS ready and willing to commit.

And so that’s why this first month costs

just $20 instead of being free.

I told you it was a rant.^^

But if you agree, then awesome. We can’t wait to help, and I know your Korean teacher is excited about it as well. When you're ready, you can click here to complete the registration process.

And if you agree but would still like to find out a bit more first before deciding, that’s completely understandable, too. Feel free to check out the rest of this page.

And as I’ve already mentioned, if you have any questions about the class that aren’t answered here, you email us at [email protected] (or just reply to any of the emails you've received from us already).

"I also want to add my applause for KDA!!! It is helping me learn a lot! Material is very well presented and explained in the videos. The necessary weekly practice lessons are really fun and very helpful. Can't recommend KDA enough to all who would like to learn Korean!”

Anna Tzanova

Korean Culture Super Fan, California, USA

Q: Who are you anyways, and why would I want
to learn from someone who's NOT Korean?

My name is Rob Julien, I am the creator of this program and academy, and I am also the teacher in the "video lecture" portion of these classes.

And while I can certainly understand you feeling skeptical of learning Korean from someone who's not actually Korean, I’d urge you to continue reading below to find out why, although it is a bit counter-intuitive, the fact that I’m not Korean is actually a GOOD thing for you and your desire to learn Korean.

I first moved to Korea way back in 2003 to teach, and have quite literally been living my life "in Korean" ever since.

  • My wife and all my in-laws are Korean

  • I’ve done different martial arts here

  • I got to help build and run an English school

  • I’ve met a TON of great friends

  • I got to be the MC at two different friends' weddings (yes, the Korean part)

  • I’ve played ice hockey in Korea (who knew!)

  • I’ve even hosted my own TV show here, all in Korean!!

  • And on and on!

But it hasn't always been this way!!

When I first came here, I knew absolutely nothing about Korean.

But I did know I was going to be here for a few years at least and that I really wanted to get to know the culture and so to do that, I would need the language.

So I set out to study. But the problem was...

At that time, there were no good resources to learn from.

The books were terrible, and the classes - on top of very bad explanations by the teachers - tended to teach super formal Korean which, for someone first starting out, is definitely NOT the level they should learn in...

So long story short, I basically started putting
the language together myself

I happened to find a book (that was actually meant for teaching English!!) that had a bunch of sentence patterns in it with the Korean translations on the backside.

So I would sit down and write out all literally all those Korean sentences and as I did, keep an eye out for patterns in them. Once I’d found something, I’d double-check it with my boss or co-teachers at the time to see if I was right.

And once I had pulled out everything I needed from those sentences (the structures, etc), I would pull out all the vocabulary I could as well.

Then I would then set to memorizing the vocabulary and the rules (NOT the sentences) from that page and practice until I could say literally every sentence on that page from UNDERSTANDING, not just straight memorization of each sentence.

Then I would go onto the next page, and so on.

And by learning that way (as opposed to just memorizing sentences), as I learned more vocabulary and sentence structures and...

The amount I could say in Korean started to multiply...

‘Cause as I learned new sentence structures, I could apply the vocab I already knew into them; and vice versa, as I learned new vocabulary, through understanding I was able to apply it into all the sentence structures I had already learned.

Anyways, I continued this process for about 10 months until I was conversational, and let me was long and it was tedious, and at the time it really sucked!

But looking back on it now, I’m glad it worked out that way, ‘cause it gave me a really deep understanding of Korean...

And I discovered a couple things…

  • The first is the Korean is NOT difficult; not like people make it out to be anyways.

    Sure there are some things that are quite different than in English, but “different” does not have to mean “difficult”, as long as you get it explained in a simple, easy-to-understand way.

    But more importantly...

  • There is a system. A very sound, logical, and learnable system.

    I mentioned that it took me nine months to get conversational, and that’s because not only did I have to learn it, I actually had to figure it out first!

    But knowing what I now know, I really believe someone can become conversational in as little as three to five months if they really apply themselves.

And so that’s who I am and what this course
is all about. To help you...

  • Get the basics explained in a way that is simple and easy to understand and apply, by a teacher who started right where you are now and knows how to get you to where you need to be. And;

  • To make the learning process fun and motivating rather than difficult and frustrating like so many make it seem.

Well that's the first part anyways...

The second part of this program is focused on what you do
with the information to guarantee you improve your ability to SPEAK the language

Information without both a plan and an outlet to develop the ability to actually say what you learn is what leads many people down a path of learning for months (sometimes years)... but fail to develop the ability or the confidence to actually hold a conversation in Korean, or the ability to even recall much of what they learned.

Unfortunately for most people, despite their want to learn, they simply don’t have access to a decent class or people they can actually practice and use their Korean with.

And for those who do have classes available to them, often they are...

  • Way too expensive

  • Way out of the way or inconvenient to get to

    And/or... (usually "and")...

  • They are taught by someone who, despite their best efforts and intentions, simply grew up knowing their language and therefor don’t quite get the steps we as English speakers need to go through to go from beginner to conversational, again, through understanding NOT forced memorization.

So the second part of this program is designed to help you:

  • Smash through that initial confidence hurdle many people go through when speaking a new language

  • Improve your speaking fluency, confidence, and long-term retention

  • Develop the ability to actually hold a conversation!

"That all sounds great, Rob, but the idea of learning from someone who is not Korean still feels a bit weird to me."

I get that. I really do. ‘Cause pretty much everyone who comes to my class without knowing me (basically without being referred here by someone else) feels the same way in the beginning.

But, let me ask you a question…

...(and this is not to sound condescending in any way, it’s just meant

to provide a different perspective, ‘cause I honestly do get your skepticism)...

Who would you say is a better judge of my ability

to speak Korean and teach Korean:

You, or a Korean person who has seen all of our videos, heard me speak, knows exactly what this class is all about, and so actually helps me teach it

‘Cause the fact is, we have multiple Korean people that work with us and run our practice sessions.

They’ve all seen the videos, they’ve all heard me teach and speak Korean, and they agree that this is a good course, which is the reason they decided to join the team and help.

So while you might be a bit skeptical right now, put your faith in them!

And at the end of the day, you’re getting 8 classes for $20 bucks, four of which are LIVE practice sessions with a REAL live Korean teacher, which is ridiculous!!

You’ve got nothing to lose and everything to gain ‘cause one month from now, you WILL have improved and you WILL be speaking Korean, and I promise you it’s going to feel great.

"I could not have been happier with the class. It met my expectations. It got me speaking."

Julia Reidy

Korean Culture Super Fan

Q: Are these classes only for beginners,

or for higher levels too?

No, these classes are not only for beginners.

Currently there are four levels in total here at KDA providing a suitable class for almost all levels.

Each level, assuming you complete one class per week, which is the pace we recommend and the pace at which these classes progress, takes three months to complete.

Level one starts right in the beginning for people who have zero experience with Korean, and Level 4 serves a more advanced student (since 2012 we can count on one hand the number of people we've turned away for being "too high").

After registering, as part of the registration process, we will work together with you to determine the best place to start in the class.

"Rob, I have to say that I am really loving the course. I'm already noticing these structures when I listen to the other teachers speaking Korean at my school. Also, I'm really loving the active learning."

Patrick Rivers

English Teacher, South Korea

Q: Since this is online, is there any special

software I'm going to need?

Not really. The videos are hosted in a members area, which you will get access to after registering, and the live speaking-practice sessions are done on zoom.

Three things you will need are:

(1) A computer with a decent Internet connection

(2) A headset. This is not always crucial, but using one almost always creates a better experience for everyone involved, yourself included

(3) A willingness to learn and maybe even have a bit of fun in the process^^

“Hey man, just wanted to let you know that the classes were great and that I could write a lot about how well you teach them. I think you’re chill, easy going, make people feel comfortable and one of the best teachers I’ve had, period. Keep doing what you’re doing.”

Dustin Clark

High School Principle, Oregon, USA

Q: If I have more questions, how can
I get in touch with you?

Yes, please do!

We want people to be as informed as possible when making their decision, so please do ask! The best way to get in touch is either to reply to any of the emails you've received from us, or you can email directly to [email protected].

We look forward to hearing from you!

And other than that, a few last things I'll finish off with:

Yes, registration closes on Sunday, March 30th, 2025, but you may not want to wait until then to register, because:

These classes are not only small, they’re online which means students can (and will) join from all over the world and so they are being advertised in every major city across Korea, the U.S, Canada, Australia, etc.

So to guarantee yourself a spot in a class that actually fits into your schedule, you may want to consider registering now, because it’s first come first serve and, and once spots are full, they’re full, and there’s nothing we’ll be able to do about it.

So go grab your seat now and we’ll speak again soon.

And other than that, a few last things I'll finish off with...

Yes, registration closes on Sunday, March 30th, 2025, but you may not want to wait until then to register because

Not only are these classes small, but they’re online which means students can (and will) join from all over the world and so they are being advertised in every major city across Korea, the U.S, Canada, Australia, etc..

So to guarantee yourself a spot in a class that actually fits into your schedule, you may want to consider registering now, ‘cause it’s first come first serve and, and once spots are full, they’re full, and there’s nothing I’ll be able to do about it.

So go grab your seat now and we’ll speak again soon.



"I studied with the Korean Digital Academy and it was brilliant. It's very well organized, it works around your schedule and I highly recommend it."

Karen MacHale

English Teacher, South Korea

Korean-learning Truth #1:

There is a difference
between “learning” Korean, and learning to SPEAK Korean.


If you’ve been learning Korean for any amount of time and are disappointed or frustrated with your lack of ability to speak the language, then you are in the right place. Or if you’re a beginner and have yet to hit the common pitfalls of so many before you, even though you may not quite know it yet, you too are in the right place.

Two connected but
different skills

The skill required to memorize vocabulary and understand Korean syntax is entirely different from the skill required to actually say the things we’re learning; learning words and structures (grammar) is different than developing the mechanics to actually speak Korean sentences and be able to hold a conversation.


Of course the latter is not possible without the former (we can’t have anything to say if we don’t first learn some of the language), but unfortunately for most people, myself included when I first started out, when we decide to learn a language, eagerly we start looking around for books, classes, online programs, apps, language partners, etc, etc, and ultimately choose some resource to start with. From there, we are at the mercy of their pedagogy (their process for learning).


And while most resources certainly do have their benefit and can help you “learn” Korean at least somewhat, it has been our experience (and the experience of many of our students’) that those resources ignore this truth, and only focus on the “learning” part, largely ignoring the second and most essential part of the process… to develop your ability - the mechanics, fluency, and confidence - to actually speak what you’re learning, and to hold a conversation.


(This is Lenka, from the KDA team^^)

I used this process personally when I first moved to Korean in 2003. Lenka (a woman from the Czech Republic who now lives her life almost entirely in Korean, who works with KDA and whom you’ll meet later), used the same approach, and we now hear great results from people every day who were tired of putting in the time and effort to learn but were continually frustrated with their inability to actually SPEAK the language, who have now made this simple tweak in their learning process, and are seeing great results.


Our class recordings have been online since 2008, and for years our program had become well known for making simple sense of a seemingly "difficult" language, and providing people a comfortable atmosphere to practice and improve their Korean.

But there was always another piece missing.

This is the story of the girl who actually inspired me to finally start helping people with this process (to guarantee we develop our ability to SPEAK Korean), and add this process into our program.

You can watch the video below to hear in her own words how our philosophy and approach helped her, but just before COVID hit, Lindsey and I had a call to dive deeper into the struggles she was having.

She had been learning Korean for about 4 years at the time. She had “learned” so much that anytime she joined a new class, in her placement test, she’d test really well (grammar-wise) and always get placed into a pretty high level.

The problem was, even though She KNEW the material (i.e. knew a bunch of vocabulary, and understood quite a lot of grammar), in all the classes and programs she had joined, they had never really focused on learning to SPEAK the material.

And so as time went on, the amount she “knew” continued to grow, but her speaking ability never grew along with it.

Eventually she got to a point where she was embarrassed by how much she knew but how little she could speak, and so she’d clam up when it came to using the language out in public, and hit a point where she was frustrated, deflated, and couldn’t even think about joining another class to “learn” more Korean.

Long story short, we helped her tweak her process, and once she realized the issue she was facing and shifted her focus to more of the RIGHT activities, the lid was removed and her speaking took off.

Watch this video here to here, in Lindsay's own words, how this simple "tweak" and process helped her...(only three weeks after she started in our program)…

Learn Korean Online
here's what I propose

If this sounds like something you’ve struggled with (or if you're a beginner and it's something you'd like to avoid), then here is what I propose…

Try us out (it's only $1), and I’ll share with you, in detail, the philosophy and approach that we use to not only “learn” the Korean language, but to guarantee you improve your speaking fluency and confidence, improve your long-term ability to recall everything you are learning, and develop the ability to actually hold conversations.

  • The simple tweak you can make to your learning process that will guarantee you improve your ability to speak the Korean language

  • How you can work this into and around your daily life so that it only takes 10-20 minutes per day

  • How you can apply this to any resource you use to learn Korean in the future (of course, we’d love for you to stick with us, but you certainly don’t have to)

  • And ultimately, how you can shave months (maybe years) of wasted time and money off of your Korean-learning journey by avoiding the mistakes and pitfalls of so many before you


Then click this big blue button below, fill in your details on the following page, and you'll receive instant access to exact same process that brought both Lenka and I from zero to "conversational" and beyond in the Korean language...

here's just some of what you get immediate access to...

Simple Explanations of How the Language Works

Access to our entire library of videos and supplemental material that makes simple sense of a seemingly “difficult” language. Watch, listen, or work through from anywhere and at your own pace.

Develop the Ability to SAY, with Fluency and Confidence, Everything You'rE Learning

Get access to our “Path to Guaranteed Progress”, as well as
all of our 21-day Speaking Challenges, to guarantee you not only learn Korean, but develop your speaking fluency, confidence,
ability to recall, and overall conversational abilities!

Join a Motived Community of Korean-learning Peers

Language acquisition is a journey not a sprint, and it helps to progress alongside fellow peers who are also on the journey, who can continually champion us to greater and greater heights!


Greg Lewis

“I really liked it. I told you in the very beginning that I’m very busy. The methodical process that you can wedge it in here and there, it’s perfect for someone who doesn’t have time.

I’m not trying to blow sunshine, but I think this approach is perfect, and for me, one of the best approaches to take."

Murray Johnson

"I like the study approach. I find it productive, and to be engaging each day. I just did a little bit every day, and it really set in. It became much easier as the week went on, and just felt more engrained. I also notice that I'm my time more intelligently. "Smarter not harder", as they say, so that's a win.

Susan Terry

"This is a really effective way to study, and it makes learning easier. Practicing speaking on a more consistent basis is making me feel more comfortable speaking. "If it's not PERFECT, you SUCK" has been my unofficial motto for way too long, and this entire process is helping me dismantle that nonsense. For that I am extremely grateful.

Welcome Offer


Enroll now and gain immediate access to the entire program here at KDA, including our "Path to Guaranteed Progress", all future 21-day Speaking Challenges, our entire digital library of courses and supplementary materials, access to our community of fellow Korean-learning peers, significant discounts off our group speaking sessions, and more!

$47 USD/Month

(After a 14-day Trial)


What level should I be to join this program?

We have course material that can benefit anyone from beginner to high-intermediate and beyond.

How much does this program cost?

This program offers a 14-day trial for dollar. After that, it is $47 USD/month, which we feel is quite minimal considering everything you're getting, including incredible 50% discounts off of our group sessions.

What if I don't like the program, can I get my money back?

As mentioned above, we offer a 14-day trial for only a dollar. This allows you to get in, learn our process, check out our class videos, and see for yourself whether you'll like the program, before you're charged our regular amount. And honestly, even if you don't stick around with us, just learning our process for improving your speaking will be worth it, 'cause you can apply it to literally any resource you'll ever use in the future.

What if i have other questions?

There is a contact form just below you can use, or you can email directly to [email protected]. Feel free to get in touch and ask any questions you'd like.